Categories: iRECIST

Two computer screens showing the mint Lesion™user interface: a comparison of scans and an evaluation as a diagram

Scientifically proven benefits of mint Lesion™ in clinical routine

In contrast to clinical trials, unstructured free-text reporting is still common in the clinical routine. Such reports often lack content and clarity,…

New iRECIST whitepaper published

We are happy to present our newly published whitepaper on iRECIST and its application. This is available here on our homepage as well as on www.irecis…

New iRECIST Oncologic Response Criteria already in clinical use at the University Medical Center – Tübingen, Germany

Shortly following the release of the new iRECIST- oncologic response criteria (Lancet Oncology, March 2017) the University Medical Center in Tübingen,…

Novel oncologic therapy response criteria (iRECIST and more)

Advances in oncology therapies, such as novel immune-related agents, require adapted and refined criteria and guidelines for the assessment and…