mint Lesion™ - from structured reporting to data-driven radiology and integrated diagnostics
mint Lesion™ is a radiology software for image data capture, longitudinal data analysis, and structured reporting. It efficiently combines the viewer, the criteria guidelines and patient's entire imaging and reporting history.
The software integrates with PACS, RIS, HIS, and other systems, offering the following key features:
- a guided read process with inbuilt guidelines for screening, staging, and response evaluation;
- longitudinally connected patient data via synchronization of images and previous measurements across all time points;
- automatically generated structured reports with lesion snapshots, tables, and diagrams;
- radiomics evaluations with measures for normalization and multiple configuration possibilities;
- advanced data management and analytics features.
Whether in a clinical trial-, clinical routine- or research setting, mint Lesion™ leaves no data behind on the image.