
How to improve reading procedures and reduce errors in clinical trials with imaging endpoints

LMU University Hospital Munich: Real-time Data Visualization and Analysis in Clinical Ttrials with Imaging Endpoints

“mint Analytics expands your means of structured response assessment in mint Lesion™ by instantaneous visualization of the collected data, as a whole…

Objective, reproducible, and trustworthy data in clinical trials with imaging endpoints

University Hospital Jena: Study evaluated response rate and safety in patients with HCC treated with DEB-TACE using 40-µm microspheres

Researchers at the University Hospital Jena analyzed the response rate and safety of superselective drug-eluting beads transarterial chemoembolization…

University Hospital Tübingen: Study examined correlation between 18f-fdg PET and CT texture parameters in metastatic melanoma patients

An exploratory study [1] conducted by researchers at University Hospital Tuebingen investigated whether CT texture analysis parameters correlate with…

mint Analytics: Real-time data visualization and analysis in clinical trials with imaging endpoints

University Hospital Cologne: Study provides guidance values of iodine concentration for body CT examinations

Using data from a large cohort of individuals without radiological tumor burden, researchers from University Hospital Cologne have conducted a study…

Private Practice KölnTriangle: Catapulted into a New Orbit of Reporting

With mint Lesion™, “complex information is condensed so that it is easier to understand. We believe that this way, we can make the complex central…