Categories: RACOON

Two female medical researchers looking at computer screen

RACOON-RESCUE is Advancing Pediatric Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Care

Pediatric Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) is the fourth most common tumor in children and adolescents, yet its radiological methods lack standardization,…

Project RACOON-RESCUE: Advancing Diagnosis and Treatment for Pediatric Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Pediatric Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL), a type of lymph node cancer, is the fourth most common tumor in children and adolescents. Radiological…

Image of a Uterus

RACOON FADEN Project Tackles Early Detection of Adenomyosis

Endometriosis is a vastly under-researched condition affecting women, but it is finally receiving the attention it deserves through the RACOON FADEN…

RACOON FADEN: Pioneering Early Detection of Adenomyosis – Insights from Prof. Mechsner (Charité Berlin) and Prof. May (University Hospital Erlangen)

Adenomyosis is a gynecological condition of the uterus and a form of endometriosis. Approximately 10 percent of women of reproductive age are affected…

Radiologist using for medical image analysis

Advancing Real-World Federated Learning in Radiology

Federated Learning (FL) enables collaborative model training without data centralization – a crucial aspect for radiological image analysis where…

This image shows a scan of pericardial effusion

Unveiling the Predictive Power of Pericardial Effusion in COVID-19 Outcomes

The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on healthcare systems worldwide, requiring a comprehensive understanding of disease progression for optimal…

Picture shows a scan of pericardial effusion

RACOON: Study emphasizes the clinical relevance of pericardial effusion as an imaging biomarker in COVID-19 patients

A multicenter study [1] based on the German research infrastructure project RACOON (Radiological Cooperative Network of the COVID-19 pandemic; a Netzw…

A group of people standing together, looking up at the camera. The picture says: Together we're making an impact.

RACOON FHIR Workshop: Empowering Healthcare Research via Enhanced Interoperability

This week Brainlab hosted the RACOON FHIR Workshop with around 40 participants. The workshop was organized by Mint Medical and supported by Snke OS,…

Happy New Year 2023

2022 has been an exciting year with accomplishments we can be proud of. We have grown both as a team and as a business and set new strategic…