Stay Informed: Transforming Radiology with Structured Reporting and Data-Driven Approaches

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„Anatomical GPS“ for mint Lesion™: Leveraging the Snke OS/Brainlab Anatomic Patient Model to drive anatomic-context-awareness and automation within mint Lesion™

More automation within mint Lesion™? Automated context-dependent template selection, filtering of relevant questions or even fully automated organ and…

High-quality annotated data in clinical routine

The desire to standardize reporting and to get even more out of their oncological images led to the partnership of the Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep in…

Raising our awareness in pediatric cancer

The terms rare, uncommon, infrequent are commonly used to describe the occurrence of cancer in children –  from a prevalence perspective, “only”…

MDR certification: Another affirmation of the quality and safety of our software solution

We are pleased to announce that we, as a medical software developer, have received the MDR certificate for the manufacture of class IIa and IIb…

Structured Reporting of Solid and Cystic Pancreatic Lesions in CT and MRI: Consensus-Based Reporting Templates of the German Radiological Society (DRG)

During the daily clinical routine, radiological reports on pancreatic lesions are often written as freeform texts. This causes several problems, in…

mint Lesion™ 3.8. Release: What’s New?

The recent 3.8 release brings with it a multitude of new features and refinements that further facilitate reporting, interdisciplinary collaboration,…

Project „KoMed“: The cognitive medical assistant for risk and complication prevention

Funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Mint Medical has been supporting the Heidelberg University Hospital as…

Mint Medical is now part of Brainlab AG, Munich

We are very happy to be part of the Brainlab family. We are convinced that together we will make a huge impact on the future of healthcare – and this…