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ESOI/EORTC Workshop in Barcelona: Participants practice tumour response assessment using mint Lesion™

The autumn workshop of the European Society of Oncological Imaging (ESOI) and the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) is a 2.5 day interactive hands-on course that aims at training radiologists and radiology residents in the area of criteria-based tumour response assessment. The course comprises of several lectures given by renowned scientists who shed light on the principles of imaging-based tumour response assessment. Just as important as the lectures are the hands-on interactive workshops that allow participants to apply their knowledge using specialised software. This year's ESOI/EORTC Workshop took place from November 14th to 16th 2017 in Barcelona. In total, 83 radiologists from 19 countries participated in the event.

Besides Keosys, GE and Siemens, Mint Medical was one of the sponsors of the workshop. Further, Mint Medical provided 15 workstations with the recent mint Lesion™ software for the hands-on workshops. After a short training session, the participants worked in small groups with the latest mint Lesion™ software at one of the 15 mint workstations. During the workshops, the mint team and ESOI/EORTC faculty were available to the participants for any questions and comments.

The interaction with the participants and the ESOI/EORTC faculty brought up prolific discussions about recent academic findings as well as new software developments. Hence, the mint employees were able to collect valuable feedback and new ideas for future product development. Many of the participants showed great interest in mint Lesion™ and it will be exciting to see which kind of cooperations will grow out of these interactions.

Mint Medical would like to thank the organisors Melvin D'Anastasi (Msida/Malta), L. Donoso Bach (Barcelona/Spain) and Y. Liu (Brussels/Belgium) for the excellent planning and the great event. Thanks as well to all participants for their excellent work with mint Lesion™ and their interest in our product. We are very much looking forward to next year's ESOI/EORTC workshop, which will take place in November 2018 in Heidelberg.

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