Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden: Die Transformation der Radiologie dank strukturierter Befundung und datengesteuerter Ansätze

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Webcast Recording: Mint in 30 Minutes - How to adopt radiomics research, clinical trial management, and cognitive assistance in clinical routine

During this year’s virtual ECR 2020, we provided an insight into data-driven radiology with our Mint in 30 Minutes webcast. Using live software showcases, our colleagues demonstrated how to acquire structured data, how to visualize it, and how to export it by using mint Lesion™, the leading platform in radiology which leaves no data behind on the image.

Watch the webcast recording to discover the multitude of possibilities that mint Lesion™ can offer you: radiomics research, clinical trial management, and structured reporting in clinical routine - all in one platform.

Watch webcast

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